About Us

We Are Ready To Make You Different From Others

beRockFit presents a series of applications to keep you fit & healthy. Getting fit is the primary goal for many but getting right direction is what they need. We identified this issue and made some simple yet effective workout plans which suit every gender & every age group. Not just this, we do have some workout plans which can be done at home.

  • Home Workout Plans

  • Category Based Workout Plans

  • Workout Plan For 30 Days

  • Easy & Effective Excercise

  • Track your progress day by day

  • Get a count of your daily steps & calories burnt

Best Services

Get Lean & Fit

Want to build muscles, get toned, and stay fit? Try aerobic routines provided by 30 Day Workout- Bodybuilding App.

30 Day Exercise & Abs Workout

30 Day Workouts provides daily workout routines for all your main muscles groups. In a few minutes each day, you can build muscles and stay fit.


The benefits of exercise are well known. Decreased risk of and management of chronic diseases .

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